Thursday, September 17, 2009

Unix network programming

Beej's Guide is good for beginner.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Semidefinite Programming

This semester, I have a chance to study carefully SDP. Here are some useful materials from Ngo and Rudra seminar I am taking. If you want to discuss any of these, let me know.
  • Laci Lovasz, Semidefinite optimization, 1995-2001. [ ps ]
  • L. Vandenberghe and S. Boyd, Semidefinite Programming, SIAM Review, 38(1): 49-95, March 1996. [ pdf ]
  • Zwick, Semidefinite Programming Based Approximation Algorithms. [ ppt ]
  • Feige, The Use of Semidefinite Programming in Approximation Algorithms. [ ppt ]
  • Arora, Semidefinite Programming and Approximation Algorithms for NP-hard Problems: A Survey. ( Slides in pdf )