Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Problem 1

The following problem I came to know from Abhishek, a friend at SUNY, Buffalo. Let's see how long it takes you to get the answer.
"How many cuts you need to divide a cake into 8 equal parts?"
Have fun!


Computer Vision Research said...

3 cuts

Bico said...

If your definition of "equality" is "human-looking equality", i think it needs 3 cuts.

Thanh-Nhan Nguyen said...

I had the same solution. Actually, not mine :) When the friend asked me this question, my Prof. gave the answer right after that.

Bico said...

Did he know that problem before? :D

Thanh-Nhan Nguyen said...

hihi I don't know. So how long it took you to get the solution :D