Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Problem 2

This question I got from Aditya. I hope I can recieve more and more puzzles from him :)
" There are two boxes. One is blue and the other is red. Blue box contains 200 blue balls. Red box contains 200 red balls. 20 blue balls will be shifted from Blue box to Red box. Afterwards you have to close eyes and shift 20 balls from Red box to Blue box. Finally which box contains more number of different colored balls?"


Bico said...

Say, b (0<=b<=20)is the number of blue balls taken back from red box. Then, the #red balls taken back is 20-b.

So the #of different colored (red) balls in the blue box is 20-b, and the #of different colored (blue) ball is 20-b as well.

It turns out, the # of different balls in two boxes are equal :).

Thanh-Nhan Nguyen said...

Good job! It's my idea :). Let's see what Aditya will say?

Aditya said...

Yes the answer is correct. Both boxes contain equal number of different colored balls.